Mladi Podjetnik (Young Entrepreneur Institute)

Type: Clusters and other supportive networks
Location: Slovenia

Who are we?

Zavod mladi podjetnik (Young entrepreneur institute) is privately held, a non-profit organization for supporting young entrepreneurs. Our mission is to support entrepreneurship in Slovenia by helping young people to acquire basic information about entrepreneurship and how to start their own business.

Which phases of startups do we support?

  • Business idea
  • Seed/startup

Startups from which industries are we servicing?

We support ideas from diverse industries, and do not focus on any industry.

What kind of services do we offer?

Business know-how
  • Advisory
  • Media portal with an up to date content with all relevant info on entrepreneurship
Innovating & intellectual property
  • Advisory on legal and intellectual property

Networking & matchmaking
  • Lectures, talks and workshops
  • Thematic workshops
  • Mentoring
  • coworking space, with basic amenities (table, meeting rooms, printing services, access to library, beverages, free parking space etc.), in addition to limitless access to networking events and trainings. Coworking space is in Ljubljana, Kunaverjeva ulica 9, with a €89 (+VAT) monthly fee.
Funding sources
  • no direct financing, but extensive advisory and information on relevant funds available to various target groups.
  • online media portal with informative and up top date information to support startups and individuals.

What is our vision?

The Young Entrepreneur Institute is an entry point into the world of entrepreneurship, with a vision to promote entrepreneurship amongst youth and all those who would find entrepreneurship an interesting career path. They help you in the development of an entrepreneurial idea, with services including advisory (legal, accountancy, etc.), several workshops and trainings and a coworking space for work.


How can you contact us?

In case of interest, please refer your questions to



Kunaverjeva ulica 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia