
Founders TALK in MakerSpace - Powered by Ideentriebwerk Graz

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 19:00 - Graz

In this edition of the FOUNDERS TALK in Makerspace you will be joined by special guest Roland Fink, the "Mr. Amazon from Styria", founder of niceshops.com. Theme of the evening is "Open your eyes! - How you can make it to success despite start-up fears and inner blockages".

Every entrepreneur knows them, but hardly anyone likes to talk about them: founding fears and inner blocks. Far too many ambitious people with a desire to be entrepreneurs throw in the towel at the first sign of challenges. It is far easier to let go of your big dream, than to make risk and leave your comfort zone. The reason usualy is fear, limiting beliefs and inner resistance. 

To support you at this point and encourage you, The Ideentriebwerk invites you to look inside yourself, what can be holding you back. The only way to success leads through your own bullsh**. To prove to you that it's possible, they have invited the "Mr. Amazon from Styria" and founder of niceshops.com - Roland Fink, who will open dialogue about his own path and ways to succeed, despite fears and resistance.

More about the event and application here